A middle aged man was waiting in a line of cars for a red light to turn green, when his car was hit from behind. Our client tried his best to continue with his normal activities, but was left with soft tissue neck sprain/strain injuries – neck pain when turning his head, pain when lifting anything over 10 pounds – even bags of groceries, and occasional headaches.
Damages for whiplash and neck pain / neck strain are the total of three things: the medical bills, wage loss, and pain and disability (a list of the ways that this injury changed the client’s life).
The other driver was not paying attention to the road in front of her, and caused the accident. She apologized for causing the accident, but her insurance still had to pay for the damage she caused. Neck strains and back pain often do not start hurting until a few days after the accident when the adrenaline wears off. Our client did not hurt immediately, no ambulance came, and our client did not go to the doctor for his neck pain and neck strain until a few days after the accident. This client’s claim settled out of court.